LATINO: Panel on Latino Cinema and business (PANEL)

By Sunscreen Film Festival (other events)

Friday, May 1 2015 3:30 PM 5:00 PM EDT

LATINO: Panel on Latino Cinema and business (PANEL)

In the United States alone, Latinos are the leading demographic for film viewers. Latin American films continue to captivate international audiences, and Latin filmmakers have won Oscars for Best Picture two years in a row! This panel offers a wide representation of the Latin film market, ranging from filmmakers to the businesspeople making the magic possible.

Moderated by: Karla Gonzalez, Attorney

Speakers: Raúl Marchand Sánchez, director, Broche de Oro (Puerto Rico); Omar L. Villarroel, director, Norte Estrecho (Bolivia); Verónica Ortiz-Calderón, director, Y Ya No Te Gustas (Puerto Rico); Sergio Alberto Sibrian, director, El Tigre y El Venado (El Salvador), Diana Romero (Producer).

Time: 3:30-5:00pm, Friday, May 1st

Place:  American Stage Conference room.

* Must have VIP Pass or Day Pass to attend - these passes allow entry to all other films and events! *

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944 4th St. North, Suite 600 St. Petersburg, FL 33701